and though i've been mistaken on this or that point; that light is God

Sunday, April 18, 2010

a few things.

for one, last night sure didn't suck. at all. in fact it was pretty enjoyable. and by that, i mean really enjoyable. so that was awesome.

two, i finished my senior thesis. thirty pages, single spaced, on the topic of self-deceit. i would give a general explanation of what my paper/project consisted of and what it's main points were, but that is pretty much the last thing i want to do right now. if you're really curious, ask me and i'll tell you some other time. or just email it to you. in all it's thirty-page glory.

three, i still don't have a car. and i know it's no one's fault but my own, first of all for crashing it, and secondly for not having money to be able to just pay for it to get fixed. although i'm sure that even if i did my father and brother would have scoffed at that and said how ridiculous it would be for me to pay for someone to fix it when they could do it themselves. however, that has not been able to happen yet, for numerous reasons, some of which are: sickness, races, and weather. so, i probably will remain car-less until graduation. which is not what i had been hoped and had been told. but again - can't blame anyone else, really. besides maybe the weather. yeah, stupid weather.

and yet, of course, there are a few things that i would still like to do one last time before i leave the los angeles area somewhat indefinitely. however, in light of my lack-of-car, the majority of these things will most likely NOT happen. unfortunately. even so, i will list my heart's little last wishes:

- spend a day at the ventura thrift stores (with the company of the lovely mrs. erin howard)
- rummage the jet rag sunday morning sale (and take my dear friends elizabeth and anna with me)
- find and spend an afternoon at some coffee shop in hollywood/LA, by myself or with one other person (i.e. kristen)
- take stuff to buffalo exchange
- see a movie at the new beverly cinema with some pals
- check out whatever's at amoeba
- go to another hardcore show (and NOT get in a wreck on the way there)
- go to any show
- go to santa monica (though on second thought that might actually not be a good idea for me at this point in time in my life)
- hang out with some folks at skid row on a sunday afternoon or a friday night with the master's group
- visit the burbank dollar bookstore, along with other fun little burbank stores
- visit my friends at APU
- visit my friends in pasadena
- get (somewhat) dressed up and go out. i don't care where. i don't care what we do. i just want to walk around and feel pretty and explore the city again, with someone i feel comfortable with. someone i can talk to. someone who sees the little traces of beauty that's left in this trashy, commercialized, sad place... and wants to seek out and enjoy every last bit of it.

on that note:

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