and though i've been mistaken on this or that point; that light is God

Monday, July 27, 2009


i should be excited; i should be optimistic.
i should be looking forward to this week,
thankful for the awesome people i get to hang out with, the rad opportunities God's given me, and the ways that He's using me. i should be at peace because of the beautiful fact that He provides for me.
but i'm not.

i'm burdened, upset, stressed, and just want this week to be over.
i'm sick of spirit west coast and it hasn't even started yet; i'm frustrated at all the little things happening around me that i didn't plan for, and even though i'm around a zillion people, the one person that i am missing more than anything is a few hundred miles away.

i'm a selfish brat, and God is making me more like Himself this week.

because that's what He does during weeks like these.

pray for me that i won't be so self-focused that i'll miss what He's doing. 

i want to know Him more, and i want to use this ridiculous, intense, stressful week to let Him show me more of Himself.

because that's so much more beautiful than getting everything to go my way.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

my utmost for his highest:

july 13 --

"My vision of God is dependent upon the condition of my character. My character determines whether or not truth can be revealed to me. Before i can say, 'I saw the Lord', there must be something in my character that conforms to the likeness of God. Until I am born again and really begin to see the kingdom of God, I only see from the perspective of my own biases. What I need is God's surgical procedure--His use of external circumstances to bring about internal purification.
Your priorities must be God first, God second, and God third, until you life is continually face to face with God and no one else is taken into account whatsoever. Your prayer will then be, 'in all the world there is no one but You, dear God; there is no one but You.'"


i want You, Jesus.
in all i dream of and desire,
what i truly want is You.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


in years from now, say to the Lord:
"Lord, i wished i just trusted You then, as i see now what You were doing so clearly. if only i had remembered that You are in control, and You are loving, and You are making all things good in Your sight -- then, i would have had peace, and i would have not feared, and i would have been okay, even through the long nights and the tears. even through the emptiness and the pain."

i refuse to say 
"if only i had trusted the Lord..."

i am, however, saying
"i choose to trust You, now."

i said the same thing four years ago, in may of two thousand and five, when my world came crashing down. my hopes. my dreams. my wishes and deepest desires that were good in the sight of the Lord. i knew He was not punishing me. i knew He was sovereign, i knew He was good. and yet i still trembled at the thought of losing something i held so dear to me.

and now, still knowing the sovereignty of the most High and most loving God, i weep on my dirty carpeted floor at the thought of losing something even more precious to me than when i was seventeen. someone i cannot with words describe all of my love, respect, gratitude, and affections for. he is my best friend; the person with whom i wanted to spend all the rest of my life.

but that person pales in comparison to the Person who is my everything.
the One who holds my future in His hands, and who understands all i feel (completely).
(the only One who knows me, yet still loves, completely).

and tonight my prayers go up to Him in song, and His praises echo in my heart
they may not be traditional, but they are my soul's cry

"i'm still waiting for You to be the One i'm waiting for"
(something tells me this is going to make sense. something tells me it's going to take patience.)

and while the temptation to scream the lyrics of number twelve are there, the God i serve is so much greater than mere emotion. and so instead, i cry:

let it all out, get it all out
rip it out, remove it
don't be alarmed when the world begins to bleed
cause we're so scared to find out what this life's all about
so scared we're going to lose it
(and knowing all along, that's exactly what we need)

and today i'll trust You with the confidence
of a man who's never known defeat
but tomorrow upon hearing what i did,
i will stare at You in disbelief
(oh, inconsistent me - crying out for consistency)

and You said, "i know that this will hurt,
but if I don't break your heart,
things will just get worse.
if the burden seems too much to bear,
the end will justify the pain it took to get us there."

and i'll let it be known
in times i have shown
the signs of all my weakness
but somewhere in me, there is strength
and You promised me
that You believed
in time i will defeat this
cause somewhere in me, there is strength
[and that strength is only from You, my God]

and today i'll trust You with the confidence
of a man who's never known defeat
and i'll try my best to just forget
that that man isn't me

and You said, "i know that this will hurt,
but if I don't break your heart,
things will just get worse.
if the burden seems too much to bear,
the end will justify the pain it took to get us there."

reach out to me, and make my heart brand new
every beat will beat for You
for You
and i know You know You've touched my life
and when You touched my heavy heart,
You made it light.

Monday, July 13, 2009

i'm not who i should be right now.
but God is in the process of making me into that person
and to start, He is breaking me.

i know it for certain, now.

i haven't had the desire to read secular literature, find new artists, or talk about philospohy.

i just want to know Jesus.

that's all i'll ever have that i can hold onto, anyway.

He is the only One who is sure, Forever.

(i need to stop thinking anything else is forever. especially now.)

i have a foolish heart. but i forget that, sometimes. and i talk about the future and i think i have everything figured out. i think i am loved; wanted. i want to be needed by those whom i think i need. but the truth is, i don't need anyone. humans fail. words don't mean anything unless they come from the source of Truth. i trust way too easily in man. but blessed is he who trusts not in man, but in the Name of the Lord.

He is showing me what that means again, and i am so thankful.

though right now, all i want to do is cry and shake and scream--
He holds me, and catches my tears as i fall asleep.

part of me wants to go back to school: start the semester, the busyness, the ministries, and distract myself from hurt
and part of me wants to stay here: see where my church goes, be involved, watch it grow into the body of Christ, full of love and joy and hope

but it's not up to me; i can't plan my future.
thank You for reminding of that again.
i will live each day for You, take each step in Your cadence, and let You carry my lifeless body when i am weak and do not have enought motivation to move my limbs

You are so good to me.

in the quiet, in the stillness - i know that You are God
in the secret of Your presence, i know there i am restored
when You call, i won't refuse
each new day, again i'll choose

there is no one else for me, none but Jesus

crucified to set me free; now i live to bring Him praise

in the chaos, in confusion - i know You're sovreign, still
in the moment of my weakness, You give me grace to do Your will
so when You call, i won't dely
this my song for all my days:

there is no one else for me, none but Jesus
crucified to set me free; now i live to bring Him praise

(i'm Yours, and You are mine. i am Yours, and You are mine.
i'm Yours, and You are mine. i am Yours, Lord.)

all my delight is in You, Lord
all of my hope, all of my strength
all my delight is in You, Lord