and though i've been mistaken on this or that point; that light is God

Monday, July 27, 2009


i should be excited; i should be optimistic.
i should be looking forward to this week,
thankful for the awesome people i get to hang out with, the rad opportunities God's given me, and the ways that He's using me. i should be at peace because of the beautiful fact that He provides for me.
but i'm not.

i'm burdened, upset, stressed, and just want this week to be over.
i'm sick of spirit west coast and it hasn't even started yet; i'm frustrated at all the little things happening around me that i didn't plan for, and even though i'm around a zillion people, the one person that i am missing more than anything is a few hundred miles away.

i'm a selfish brat, and God is making me more like Himself this week.

because that's what He does during weeks like these.

pray for me that i won't be so self-focused that i'll miss what He's doing. 

i want to know Him more, and i want to use this ridiculous, intense, stressful week to let Him show me more of Himself.

because that's so much more beautiful than getting everything to go my way.

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