and though i've been mistaken on this or that point; that light is God

Sunday, October 18, 2009

my heart feels so empty.

like i'm not where i should be
but i know that's not the case
because this is where i am
and where i will be for a while
so i can't change what He's made clear
but so many things are changing around me
and i think if i run, they will stop
i want to be in montery
i want to be in israel
i want to be in jackson hole

because the very minute i'm so sure of something
they don't feel so sure anymore
and the person on the phone says it will get better
and the person in my ear says it never will
and he doesn't feel the same way
and she doesn't even know the first of it
and we all see it from different perspectives
and wisdom doesn't mean anything when you're only hearing what you want to hear
and advice is worthless when biases creep in like maggots
ruining anything and everything pure

oh JESUS i want to run away
but i can't escape my own heart
in monterey, santa clarita or wyoming
i am still the same person
wanting all the same things
in need of the same Savior
fighting the same battle

but i can't fight
with my own hands and heart
i am weak and my flesh becomes bloody and bruised
when i run out into battle with my prideful self-will
only to come back beaten and and broken

i want to fall at Your feet
and say "never again"
but how can i allow my lips to speak
words which i know are lies?
thank You for looking to the motives of my heart,
not the actions which i so miserably perform
something that both scares me and comforts me
within the same thirty seconds

oh Jesus, my heart is screaming
"i can't do this"
but i don't even know what "this" is
i'm tired of crying alone in my room on sunday afternoons
but i guess i'm so blinded by my selfishness
that i can't even see what my hands are doing past my arms
(and trust me, it's nothing worth seeing)

so let's call a spade a spade
a promise, a promise
and a sin, a sin

and this sin
is that same vice
which has been making me miserable since my freshman year of high school
in which i knew i was either choosing to do the will of Christ
or the will of the devil
because he doesn't come with a red horned-faced suit
a pointy tail and a pitchfork
he is beautiful, and dazzles my eyes with beautiful things
beautiful words, charms and dreams
because all he has to do to get me on the path to eternal hell
is to get me to deny the truth and love my sin more than Him
and that sin is
simply, only, completely

that i love everything else in this world
more than i love You.

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