and though i've been mistaken on this or that point; that light is God

Friday, May 8, 2009

show tonight

mae = not that amazing
barcelona = solid but not my taste
personL = gay name but incredible musicians

seriously though, they were. i actually stood with my mouth wide open for a few songs. i haven't been that impressed with a band in a long, long while. they were fun and comfortable on stage but weren't annoying. they were confident but not over-pretentious. and they were talented. oh my word. they had two drummers - but not two drums sets - they used a lot of other random percussiony instruments. and this one guy mesmerized me. he was standing and drumming on a floor drum and then every once in a while shaking a tamborine so fast i could barely track with my eyes. he was tall, scrawny, with poofy dirty-blonde hair. and all i could think of this whole time was:

(see crazy guy banging drum to the right)

okay.goodnight. my wonderful boyfriend who paid for the whole thing took me back so i could get some sleep, not write. yep.

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