and though i've been mistaken on this or that point; that light is God

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


really affects me.
it's kind of scary.

i wish more Christian bands didn't suck.

i want to make music with someone that i really look up to, musically and spiritually.
(but that is hard to find.)

girl or guy, i don't care.

someone who will tell me when i'm not really on top of things - both musically and spiritually.

i kind of had that with dom, but then i left for school, and then he left the church (shoreline), and then went and got married to someone he knew for two months. and now we haven't spoken in three.

i teven texted tj today to see if he liked the band stars, because i am so desperate to try to play their songs right now. luke and i were supposed to do a cover of elevator love letter, but he ditched me that night for trey's movie premiere (which i also wasn't told about) and then i had a show to go to the next night and then he left. so that died.

i am not as creative as i wish i were. however, then comes the damning question i am bound to ask myself: why do i even desire to be more creative? for my own glory? satisfaction? self-gratification? the praise of people and the admiration of others around me? so i can catagorize myself with a certain subculture or give me a feeling of identity? or is it truly for the benefit of others and the glory of God? i live for the latter much less than i would like to admit. so it is probabaly a good thing i am not good at guitar or singing or poetry or writing music; i might become very pretentious and self-absorbed. mhmm.

it's probabaly one of the reasons i sometimes feel intimidated or judged by james - but he isn't intimidating or judgemental at all; i am just jealous that he seems to be somehow free from all of this - he isn't consumed with culture or what is popular for two seconds. he is just himself. sure, everyone is influenced by things and people around them - but for him, it doesn't automatically change if someone thinks it's cool or not. i know that's one of the things that attracted me to him initially. he reminded me of who i was before. how free i felt. what is sad, though, is that i don't know if i still feel that freedom anymore. but it is my own fault. and it needs to change. i want to find out who i really am - but not in a "finding myself" sort of way - i want to know who He made me to be. because that is all that really matters, anyway.

i think i might make this blog private again because i'm starting to just write and write and not stop, so if you want to still read my worthless mini-novels and misgivings, give me your email so i can add you to the readers. i may or may not do this, but just in case.

alright. homework now.

i get to hang out with mark in santa monica tonight. i'm stoked. thankyou Jesus. please pray i will be a good witness. yes.


Savvy said...

this is savannah, and I love the band stars, and i miss seeing you around :)

I hope you have wonderful summer, and if you feel like coming to Vallejo where I live I would love to see you. :)

Diana said...

i'm going to go ahead and second that i love the band stars, and i am making music 23 hours hours a day. what are your summer plans again?>